Page 22 - The treasure of Wörgl
P. 22

Once again, thank you very
         Together with his friends,                                            much for the work done
            Mr. Wesenauer and                                                 and good luck to you, Mr.
            Mr. Gschwandtner,                                                   Unterguggenberger.
         Mr. Unterguggenberger
       managed to avoid the worst                                                          The same
        in those days; however, due                                                         to you,
         to the Social Democrats’                                                         Mr. Pichler.
       failed rebellion, the elected
      Social Democrats were removed
      from their offices for reasons
      of state. On February 19 , 1934
       Mr. Unterguggenberger, too,
               had to go.
                                                                                 Come inside,

                                                                            Watch out,
                                                                            or they’ll
                                                                             spot us!

                                          LADIES AND GENTS


      On December 19 , 1936,
       dies at the age of 52
        after a long illness.
       On the hazy morning
         of December 23 ,
      hundreds of inhabitants
        of Wörgl bid their
      former Mayor farewell.
        The band plays the
            March” ...

          ”Well, I do believe that the Free Economy will bring about a complete change of the situation. However,
          the bigwigs still won’t believe that this endeavor would eventually be squashed -…though I did foresee it!
        That being said, I did it anyway because I wanted to send out a signal to the world that it is possible after all!
        I have proven it to myself and to the world!”                                                    (M. Unterguggenberger, 1933)
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