Page 10 - The treasure of Wörgl
P. 10

In the early
                                        morning of                     So...,
                                       July 8 , 1932..            how do you like      It’s phenomenal.
                                                                    my speech?         Should go over
                                                                                        well, I am sure!

             All the members of the
         Welfare Committee were in favor              I hope the                    Please don’t
            of the Emergency Relief                Municipal Council                be late. We’re
             Initiative. Even Stawa,                  approves it                 having river trout
                Riedelsperger,                         as well.                     for dinner..
                 and Winkler.

            Good grief,                Blimey!    There’s         Let‘s put our money
            Mick! Are you                       not enough        where our mouth is,
               hurt?                             room for
                                                  all the                Rosie !!!
                                                instruments!       It
                                                                will be a
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