Page 9 - The treasure of Wörgl
P. 9

         spends the next few days        Yes.
          campaigning for his idea.   But it’s not                                     Or like my
                                        money,             It all comes down         flowers that
                                   it is work vouchers.   to spending the vouchers    wilt after a
                                       There’s a               as quickly               while.
        Will we be                      crucial                as possible.
       able to do                     difference!
      our shopping
        with your
         money?                                              Just like meat
                                                            or cheese, they
                                                            have a tendency
                                                             to “go bad”.

                                                                                And how do you
           Why must the free-                                                  reckon you’ll speed
            money circulate                                                   up the circulation of

                                                           who does not
                                                         put their vouchers
                                     Because it is        into circulation
                                    the “lifeblood”      by the cutoff date
                                 of the economic cycle.   must paste a stamp
                                    It can only act        on them that
                                     as a medium         must be purchased
                                  of exchange if it is     for a price of
                                   not withheld and         one percent
                                    changes hands         of the voucher’s
                                      quickly...             nominal

           Mick; as a social     Lenk, listen. You                              Of course you still
             democrat,           don’t understand!         Mr. Mayor,           can, Mr. Kauzinger.
          you are one of us!    I want to help the       does that mean            At the bank.
          Why do you want      people independently      I can no longer       And if you do business
           to do away with         of our party             save any           out of town, you may
                                                                                 also exchange the
              money?                platform!               money?             vouchers for shillings
                                  It will get                                    at a discount of
                                the people back                                     2 percent.
                               into employment
                                  and instill
                                  new hope
                                   in them.
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