Page 6 - The treasure of Wörgl
P. 6
Oh, not at all,
Mr. Unterguggenberger, Mr. Wiesenhuber.
I hope I am not Please come in and
disturbing you. have a seat.
My name is
on your
In 1916, lying in a
It cannot go on like this! I know. Ever since the pulp trench in Galicia...
We have lived in poverty for years, mill was shut down last
my little one has no clothes year, we’ve had a 25 per-
to wear, and just cent unemployment rate,
take a look at me... the council coffers have
been empty, and hardly battles...
*Sigh!* anybody has been able to
pay their taxes.
...I read a
...BY Silvio
It can’t go on like this,
and I’ve already
got a plan.
You know, ...’s to do
with the money!
Please listen
to me ...